
1 min readJan 20, 2023

From the beginning of the year I have been trying to live every day with meaning and connection. Please check my Instagram for the earlier posts.

January 19th is the day of Orthodox Epiphany/Timkat and the birthday of Edgar Allan Poe. I am thinking darkened thoughts about the Future. I used to believe in happy inevitable progress, Steven Pinker and friends, rationalism, space faring civilizations. From 2020 on it feels like we are going back to public witch hunts, invading armies, political prisoners, forbidden topics, tribalism, torture, executions, reign of unelected tyrants, etc. Maybe it is an illusion. Maybe statistically we are doing better and better but the media and social media skew the picture. I don’t know.

But consequently I started to respect the Past. Myths, legends, folklore, spirituality, magic, mysticism, even religions. And maybe those science fiction writers are right who imagine the future of cool new technologies but of the same people, solving the same human problems again and again…

